Jan 24, 2025
Website Catalog (In Development)
EGR 289 - Microprocessors An introduction to microprocessors including: digital logic, machine and assembly and C language programming, serial and parallel input/output, A/D, and interrupts. Hardware interfacing including switches, potentiometers, lights, motors (DC, stepper, servo), transistors and sensors (temperature, light, magnetic, etc). networking (SPI, CAN). Students will design and build a project involving these topics.
Prerequisite- Corequisite Prerequisites: EGR 151 Engineering Design II
Credits: 4 Hours 3 Class Hours, 3 Laboratory Hours Course Profile Learning Outcomes of the Course:
Upon successful completion of this course the student will be able to:
- Write assembly and C code for a microprocessor in order to accomplish various tasks.
- Design, build, and debug circuits that interface with the microprocessor including devices such as GPS sensors, LCD screens, temperature sensors, distance sensors, and motors.
- Demonstrate a working knowledge of serial data (SPI, i2C, RS232), A/D, interrupts, PWM, Timers.
- Have a basic working knowledge of electrical current, voltage, power, logic gates.