Mar 31, 2025  
Website Catalog (In Development) 
Website Catalog (In Development)


Tuition and Fees (2024-2025)

The responsibility for payment rests upon the student. Tuition and fees are payable at the Student Accounts Office according to a payment schedule released by the College for each semester published in the student portal. The College cancels schedules for non-payment, once prior to the Fall, Spring, and Summer semesters. Students should not rely on their schedule being canceled for non-payment. Students must officially drop their course(s) prior to the start of the semester in order to avoid financial liability.

Students Carrying 12 or more Credits or Credit-Equivalent Hours

(considered full-time students)

For New York State Residents with residency certificate $2,832 per semester
For New York State Residents without residency certificate $5,664 per semester
For Out-of-State Residents and International Students $5,664 per semester
For United States Veterans, and their eligible Spouses, and eligible Dependents $2,832 per semester

Tuition Deposit, Competitive Admissions: $75

Mandatory for Competitive Admissions Programs; Deposit must be paid prior to registration; tuition deposit is applied to tuition bill.  For students admitted for the fall term, payment is due by May 1 for students notified of acceptance on or before April 1.  For those notified after April 1, payment is due within 30 days of acceptance.  Deposits for the fall term are refundable upon written request prior to May 1 for those admitted on or before April 1 and within 30 days of acceptance for those admitted after April 1.  For students admitted for the spring term, payment is due by November 1 for those notified of acceptance on or before October 1.  For those notified after October 1, payment is due within 30 days of acceptance.  Deposits for the spring term are refundable upon written request prior to November 1 for those admitted on or before October 1 and within 30 days of acceptance for those admitted after October 1.

Tuition and Fee Deposit, International Students: $750

Recurring deposit due prior to registration for fall/spring semesters. For return of international funds, applicable fees (conversion cost, ach/wire fees) will be deducted from deposit amount.

Students Carrying Fewer than 12 Credits or Credit-Equivalent Hours

(considered part-time students)

For New York State Residents with residency certificate $236 per credit
For New York State Residents without residency certificate $472 per credit
For Out-of-State Residents and International Students $472 per credit
For United States Veterans, and their eligible Spouses, and eligible Dependents $236 per credit

Many students may qualify for financial aid, some of which is applicable toward tuition. Learn more about Financial Aid.

Note 1: Although we strive to be as accurate as possible with the information presented here, it is not always up to date. For the latest OFFICIAL information please contact our offices by email at or phone at +1 (607) 778-5230 option 8.

Note 2: The SUNY Broome Board of Trustees establishes tuition and fee amounts for each semester. The amounts above were established for the 2024-2025 year only. Semesters beyond that point are subject to increase.

Note 3: The College establishes tuition and fee refund policies and procedures each year in accordance with Federal and State mandated regulations. The policies and procedures have been established for the year 2023-2024. Years beyond that point are subject to changing Federal and State guidelines, thus future college refund policies and procedures are subject to change. The regulations for any particular year are available at RegistrarFinancial Aid, and Student Accounts Offices.

Certificate of Residency

NYS Residency Requirements

To qualify for the resident tuition fee, a student is required by law (NYS Education Law, Section 6305) to present once each academic year, a residency certificate indicating that he or she has been a legal resident of the State of New York for one year, and of a county for six months. The certificate of residency obtained from your home county is the only proof of residence that qualifies for resident or in-state tuition.

New York State Counties will issue certificates up to 60 calendar days prior to the start of the semester and until 30 calendar days into the semester.  Counties are permitted by law to refuse applications after the 30th day of the semester. Many counties adhere to this deadline with NO EXCEPTIONS.

Note: Tuition bills will include non-resident charges for students who have not submitted a valid certificate of residency to the Student Accounts Office. Non-resident charges DOUBLE the tuition portion of the bill.

Please visit the Residency Information web page for details.


College Fees

Late Registration Fee $20 per semester
Return Check Fee $25 per check
Rush Transcript Fee (processed within 24 hours) $5 each
Fax Fee $5 up to 5 pages,
$1 per page thereafter
Credit by Examination Lab Course $50 plus $15 per credit hour plus $10 for each clock hour of laboratory examination up to a maximum of $165.


Non-Lab Courses: $50 plus $15 per credit hour.

Credit by Portfolio $75 plus $15 per credit hour requested


$5 per credit hour refunded per credit hour not awarded

Health Science Clinical Makeup Fee $60
Replacement Vehicle Registration Sticker $25
Duplicate Record Fee $1 per copy
Mailing Fee $5 per graduation folder
ID Card Replacement Fee $50 per card
Lab Fee $159 per Lab
  Music up to $985 per lab (for contracted private music lessons)
Student Registration Fee $159 per semester (FT)
$132 per semester (PT)
Excluding high school students taking college level courses off campus at their high school and persons over the age of 60 who take course(s) for audit.
Technology fee (per semester) $354 per semester (FT fall/spring)


$344 per semester (PT fall/spring)

$344 summer/winter (FT/PT)

Excluding high school students taking college courses off campus at their high school and persons over the age of 60 who take course(s) for audit.

Distance Learning Fee $18 per distance learning credit hour

Fee charged for courses that are at least 25% online and have reduced seat time

Note: fee is also charged for blended courses & hyflex courses

Transportation Fee $119 per semester (FT Fall/Spring)


$103 per semester (PT Fall/Spring)

$91 Summer/Winter (FT/PT)

Excluding high school students taking college level courses off campus at their high schools, students enrolled in distance learning courses only, SUNY Broome employees, and persons over the age of 60 who take course(s) for audit. The transportation fee encompasses services related to full-service transportation including vehicle registration, access to Broome Transit with a valid SUNY Broome ID.

Re-Registration Fee $50 per drop for non-payment fee is charged to students who are deregistered for non-payment and subsequently elect to register again for courses.
Program Fee $60 per semester for students in Health Sciences, Mechanical Engineering Technology, or Culinary Arts programs


Program fees are assessed for high cost programs that require special equipment, supplies and/or support services. The collection of program fees will be used to offset these costs.

Tuition and fees are subject to change.

Student Fees

Student Fees are mandatory and non-refundable.

Student Activity Fee

Full-Time Student $210 per semester (fall/spring)
Part-Time Student $20 per credit hour (fall/spring)
I.D. Card Replacement Fee $50 per card

(Excluding students enrolled in distance learning courses only and persons over the age of 60 who take course[s] for audit.)

The Student Activity Fee entitles students access to and funds the following types of programs on campus: intercollegiate athletic teams and events, intramural sports, student government and recognized clubs and organizations membership and activities, student related travel, campus program and social events, and extra and co-curricular activities sponsored by the college.

*Student fees do not impact the college operating budget.

Student Services Fee

Full-Time Student $340 per semester (fall/spring)
Part-Time Student $170 per semester (fall/spring) 

(Excluding high school students taking college level courses off campus at their high schools and persons over the age of 60 who take course[s] for audit.)

Money collected from the Student Services fee is used for ancillary student support and student health services.

Student Life Fee

Full-Time Student $298 per semester (fall/spring)
Part-Time Student $149 per semester (fall/spring) 

(Excluding high school students taking college level courses off campus at their high schools and persons over the age of 60 who take course[s] for audit.)

International Student Health Insurance

Mandatory for matriculated international students with F1 and J1 student visas or other non-immigrant categories. Excludes students enrolled in distance learning courses only. Rates established by the SUNY International Student and Scholar Health Insurance Program.

Fall semester $1067
Spring/Summer semester (billed together) $1479

Claim forms are available in the Student Health Services office during the year. Students who withdraw and wish a refund of their health insurance fee must apply directly to the insurance company.

Medical Insurance

The College does not provide medical insurance. Information about such insurance is available through Student Health Services, directly from insurance companies, or NY State of Health.

Tuition and fees are subject to change.

Books and Supplies

Students are expected to purchase textbooks and related instructional materials for the courses in which they are enrolled. These may be purchased at the Bookstore located in the Campus Services Building. The average cost of textbooks and required supplies varies depending on curriculum and ranges between $200 and $700 per semester. Some programs have additional expenses and fees. For more information, review the academic program webpages:

Refund Policies, Procedures

Tuition Refund Policy

New York State has mandated the current refund policy for all SUNY community colleges.


Fall and Spring Semesters Key Refund Dates

Please note: “Day of semester” does not refer to specific class meetings. It refers to the actual day of the campus wide semester.

If you officially drop a course by the day listed: Tuition is refundable at:
Prior to Day 1 of semester 100%
Day 1 – Day 5 of semester 75%
Day 6 – Day 10 of semester 50%
Day 11 – Day 15 of semester 25%
After Day 15 of semester 0%

Refunds for Fall/Spring courses that are less than 15 weeks long

If a course is less than 15 weeks but more than 4 weeks long, tuition will be refunded at 100% prior to the first day of class and at 25% through the first week of class. No refunds after the first week of class. If a course is less than 4 weeks long, tuition will be refunded at 100% prior to the first day of class.

Summer Semester Key Refund Dates

If you officially drop a course by the day listed: Tuition is refundable at:
Prior to Day 1 of term I, II, III 100%
Day 1 – Day 5 of term I, II, III 25%
After Day 5 of term I, II, III 0%

Winter Session Key Refund Dates

If you officially drop a course by the day listed: Tuition is refundable at:
Prior to Day 1 of session 100%
Day 1 and after 0%

Refunds for College on the Weekend Courses

Tuition will be refunded at 100% until 5:00 pm on the Friday that Weekender classes begin and at 75% until 5:00 pm on the Friday following the first weekend of classes. No refunds thereafter.

Things to remember about refunds

  • You must officially drop a course to be eligible for a tuition refund.
  • If you register for a course but do not attend, you are still liable for the tuition and fees.
  • Fees are not refundable after the semester has started.
  • Refunds are determined by the start of the semester, not the day the course starts.
  • If you have not paid your bill and drop a course, your amount due will be adjusted by the refund percentage that corresponds to the date of your drop.

How to Officially Drop a Course

  • Before registration starts, log onto MyCollege, select the “My Courses & Registration” tab, then select “Course Schedules & Registration”, then “Schedule Planner”, and then “Add or Drop Classes.”
  • If a student wishes to drop a class after the start of the term, an official “Add Drop Schedule Adjustment Request Form” needs to be submitted to the Registrar’s Office. The “Add Drop Schedule Adjustment Request Form” is available on the Registrar’s Office webpage or in the Registrar’s Office. The Add Drop Schedule Adjustment Request Form must be signed by an Advisor, Chairperson, or their designee for matriculated students. Non-matriculated students do not require a signature from an Advisor; however, they are encouraged to meet with an Advisor to discuss their academic plan.

Refund Procedure

An application for refund of tuition and fees must be made in writing in the Registrar’s Office (SS 105). The application must be on the College form provided. The date on which the application is filed is considered the official date of the student’s withdrawal and any refund to which the student may be entitled is computed using that date.

Title IV Financial Aid Refund Policy

Students who receive Title IV financial assistance (Pell, SEOG or Stafford Direct Loans) are subject to the most recent guidelines mandated by the Higher Education Act Amendment. If -and only if- they officially withdraw or are administratively withdrawn from the institution, the unearned funds received for tuition, fees, and other educational expenses, must be returned to the Federal Title IV programs. This return may result in an outstanding balance due to SUNY Broome Community College and/or to the U.S. Department of Education. All other cases (e.g. partial withdrawals) will follow the N.Y.S. mandated refund policy for community colleges.

Other Procedures

Students who defer tuition on Financial Aid and who then become ineligible to receive that aid or any portion of it will be subject to an immediate obligation for payment and/or collection of tuition, fees and disbursements. The College reserves the right to use whatever collection procedures it deems appropriate to satisfy any outstanding debt. The total outstanding debt may include additional fees incurred due to collection activities. The fees will vary depending on the debt. Additional fees may be as much as 33 1/3 percent of the debt plus attorney/court fees.

What to do if you think you find a mistake on your bill or have extenuating circumstances

Visit this page for instructions to submit an appeal or dispute.

Withholding Diplomas

A student’s diploma will be withheld if there are outstanding financial or property-returning obligations. These obligations could be to such College offices as Public Safety, the Library, Student Accounts, as well as others. Students must settle any outstanding debts to the College.


Contact Student Accounts at +1 (607) 778-5230 or Registrar’s Office at +1 (607) 778-5027.