Jan 13, 2025
Website Catalog (In Development)
EGR 285 - Electrical Circuits Comprehensive overview of electrical circuits. Course covers units and definitions of charge, current, voltage, power, and energy. Other topics covered within the course include: Ohm’s Law, active and passive elements, independent and dependent sources, resistance, Kirchhoff’s Laws, network reduction, nodal and mesh analysis techniques, source transformation, superposition, Thevenin’s and Norton’s theorems, maximum power transfer and capacitance and inductance. Students will solve the natural, forced, and complete response of switched first order (RL, RC) and second order (RLC) circuits using differential equations. The course also covers the analysis of AC sinusoidal steady state, including AC sinusoidal steady state power, computer aided circuit analysis and ideal and practical operational amplifier circuits.
Prerequisite- Corequisite Prerequisite: MAT 182 Calculus II
Credits: 3 Hours 3 Class Hours Course Profile Learning Outcomes of the Course:
Upon successful completion of this course the student will be able to:
- Demonstrate a knowledge of circuit theorems (Ohm’s law, KVL, KCL, current divider, voltage divider, superposition, source transformation, Thevenin equivalent, Norton equivalent and network reduction) by solving circuits that contain resistors, independent sources and dependent sources.
- Solve for the complete response of first and second order circuits where the sources are constants, exponentials or sinusoids using differential equations.
- Solve for the sinusoidal steady-state solution, determine the average power of circuit elements and power factor of circuits with sinusoidal sources.