Jan 21, 2025
Website Catalog (In Development)
EET 230 - Electronic Design Project This course involves the prototyping, package design and construction of an electronic project in a team environment. The project will include the use of both electronic and mechanical computer aided design software. Various electronic and mechanical manufacturing processes will be used to fabricate the project. Industrial standard documentation practices will be used to properly describe all phases of the project. Chassis layout, printed circuit board design, exposure, machining, wiring, soldering and enclosure fabrication are required. This course also includes discussion of product cost, marketing a product and other topics related to small businesses and entrepreneurship.
Prerequisite- Corequisite Prerequisites: EET 112 Electronic Fabrication Laboratory, EET 150 Electronic Devices, EET 150L Electronic Devices Laboratory
Credits: 1 Hours 3 Laboratory Hours Course Profile Learning Outcomes of the Course:
Upon successful completion of this course the student will be able to:
- Select components and create a parts list from a schematic diagram.
- Breadboard and troubleshoot an electronic project.
- Create a printed circuit layout from a schematic diagram.
- Produce a printed circuit board from a layout master.
- Design and fabricate an enclosure for an electronic project.
- Assemble and troubleshoot a complete electronic project.
- Create a cost estimate of a final product.
- Work effectively in teams.
- Develop and deliver oral presentations.