Website Catalog (In Development)
ECE 230 - Working With Families in Early Childhood Programs This course examines the importance of family involvement in the education of young children. Topics include: diversity; definition of family; parenthood as an emotional experience; definition of family involvement; barriers to partnerships; issues of trust; communication methods; conferencing; home visits; families in the classroom; parent education and; exploring model programs.
Credits: 3 Hours 3 Class Hours Course Profile Learning Outcomes of the Course:
Upon successful completion of this course the student will be able to:
- Recognize family diversity, modern challenges and how family life impacts learning and teaching via class discussions, written assignments and presentations.
- Identify the various roles that family members have and the emotions of parents as well as how to address them as an educator via class discussions and written assignments.
- Define and identify factors that motivate family involvement via class discussions, written assignments and presentations.
- Determine potential barriers to teacher-family partnerships via class discussions and written assignments.
- Develop strategies for working partnerships with families and the community via class discussions, written assignments and presentations.