Sep 10, 2024
Website Catalog (In Development)
BUS 229 - Advertising Development, economics, functions of advertising. Cost application, media, testing and research methods. Development of advertisements, copy and layout, methods and problems of reproduction. Planning the advertising campaigns with step-by-step developments. Lectures, discussions, demonstrations. Students are required to use the computer to generate graphics. BUS 141 Marketing is recommended as preparation for this course.
Credits: 4 Hours 4 Class Hours Course Profile Learning Outcomes of the Course:
Upon successful completion of this course the student will be able to:
- Discuss the purpose of advertising in an economy.
- Explain the advantages and disadvantages of the major advertising media.
- Explain how an advertiser should go about selecting media to enhance the overall marketing efforts of a business.
- Prepare an advertising campaign that demonstrates basic ability to create ads for various media.