Associate in Applied Science
CIP Code: 52.1899
The mission of A.A.S. in Business: Marketing, Management and Sales program is to provide opportunities to earn academic credentials based on student interests, talents, and capabilities that will prepare students for careers in business.
Program Learning Outcomes
- Demonstrate an understanding of concepts and terms in accounting, marketing, management, and law.
- Solve statistical problems in business.
- Communicate effectively in organizational settings.
- Analyze and respond effectively to legal and ethical situations in diverse organizations.
Program Supervisor
Gian Roma, Chairperson
Office: Business Building, Room 108
Telephone: +1 (607) 778-5133
The Business: Marketing, Management and Sales Associate in Applied Science is designed as a general business program leading to immediate employment opportunities, although many students will transfer to 4-year institutions. By carefully selecting the business course electives, a student can generate a concentration in a particular field such as Sales, Retailing, Management, Marketing, or Entrepreneurship (Small Business Management). To identify these courses, students should discuss their interests with their academic advisors.