Spring 2019 Official General Catalog [Archived Catalog]
BIT 286 - Database Driven Web Sites: PHP Develop database driven Web sites in an open source cross platform development environment using Apache, PHP and MySQL. This course covers the fundamentals of server-side scripting, database query creation, basic database design, and writing PHP scripts that use SQL to interact with MySQL. Additional topics will include debugging and error management, basic security methods, and an introduction to working with Web servers.
Software: A Web Server Application (Apache)
A Web Browser
PHP-Capable WYSIWYG Application (such as Adobe Dreamweaver)
(All required software is available at no cost)
Prerequisite- Corequisite Prerequisite: BIT 173 Website Creation with HTML/CSS
Credits: 3 Hours 3 Class Hours Course Profile Learning Outcomes of the Course:
Upon successful completion of this course the student will be able to:
1. Discuss and compare available Web technologies for dynamic Web site creation.
1.1 Describe the use of server-side backend databases in Web sites and Web applications.
1.2 Describe how server-side scripting fits into the client/server model.
1.3 Describe the role of a Web server in hosting and processing Web requests.
1.4 Discuss and contrast data entry and validation techniques in client-side vs. server-side programming.
1.5 Discuss and contrast client-side with server-side security issues.
1.6 Describe technologies used in dynamic Web sites including open source languages and packages, proprietary languages and packages, and enterprise Web development and distributed Web applications.
1.7 Compare and contrast open source and proprietary server software.
2. Create dynamic Web sites by embedding server-side script into HTML code.
2.1 Write server-side script that includes variables, constants, conditionals, operators, arrays, and loops.
2.2 Write server-side script that handles an HTML form.
2.3 Write server-side script that validates form data.
2.4 Save or FTP server-side files to the appropriate location on a Web server.
3. Use SQL to create databases and tables, insert rows, select data, delete data, perform joins, create and index, and define transactions.
3.1 Define the basic structure of a relational database system.
3.2 Define and create a table in a relational database system.
3.3 Define and create a relationship between two or more tables in a relational database system.
3.4 Perform select queries on the data in a relational database system.
3.5 Perform update queries on the data in a relational database system.
3.6 Define and implement transactions in a relational database system.
3.7 Use a database interface to run SQL commands.
4. Create a Web front-end to an underlying database.
4.1 Build a server-side interface for interacting with a relational database table.
4.2 Embed script to connect a Web page to a relational database.
4.3 Execute simple queries from a Web page.
4.4 Retrieve query results into a Web page.
4.5 Update records in a database table through a script.
5. Perform error handling and debugging for a database driven Web site.
5.1 Define the various kinds of errors that can occur when developing dynamic Web sites and describe their likely causes.
5.2 Perform debugging techniques to find errors.
5.3 Utilize techniques that can be used to handle errors gracefully.