Feb 10, 2025  
Spring 2019 Official General Catalog 
Spring 2019 Official General Catalog [Archived Catalog]

MDA 115 - Medical Assisting Procedures I

Basic clinical procedures of medical assisting in the physician’s office.  Use and management of diagnostic instruments and equipment.  Related patient care, professional ethics, medical terminology, nomenclature. 


Prerequisite- Corequisite
Prerequisite:  HIT 106 Medical Terminology, BIO 131 Human Biology I

Credits: 4
3 Class Hours, 2 Laboratory Hours
For Medical Assisting students

Course Profile
Learning Outcomes of the Course:

Upon successful completion of this course the student will be able to:

1.  Identify and apply the elements of the source-oriented and problem-oriented medical records in their laboratory experience.
2.  Explain the purpose and practice using the various types of information needed for each element or section of the patient history.
3.  Discuss the legal implications of the patient history and interviewing process.
4.  State the purpose for and obtain correct measurements of vital signs.
5.  Describe and simulate the preparation of the examination room and patient for a general examination.
6.  Recognize, define, and demonstrate steps related to disinfection, sterilization, and asepsis.
7.  Recognize and name the different types of instruments by category and describe how to care for them properly.
8.  Differentiate between medical asepsis (clean technique) and surgical asepsis (sterile technique).
9.  Explain and demonstrate the rules for the aseptic handling of instruments and supplies.
10.  List the materials and human substances that are considered hazardous medical wastes.
11.  Compare the various wound types and classifications of healing.