Spring 2019 Official General Catalog [Archived Catalog]
HIT 295 - Health Information Seminar A capstone course that will review and integrate theory and practice in Health Information. Guest speakers will present on various topics and issues relevant to the profession. Career opportunities, resume preparation, interviewing techniques, the job application process, and RHIT exam preparation will be discussed.
Prerequisite- Corequisite Corequisite: HIT 245 Clinical Practicum
Credits: 2 Hours 2 Class Hours Course Profile Learning Outcomes of the Course:
Upon successful completion of this course the student will be able to:
1. Prepare a resume and cover letter identifying its purpose/value in the employment process.
2. Apply networking in identifying employment opportunities.
3. Conduct oneself appropriately during a job interview.
4. Identify the importance of earning the RHIT credential and become familiar with the RHIT exam preparation/application process.
5. Obtain valuable information on the various career opportunities for the HIM professional and strategies for success.
6. Gain further insight and knowledge in various HIM topics through review of pertinent literature.
7. Complete RHIT exam practice questions in HIM content areas, evaluating areas of strenghts and weaknesses.