Spring 2019 Official General Catalog [Archived Catalog]
COL 105 - Academic Planning Seminar An orientation course for first semester Liberal Arts and Human Services Division students. Students will reflect upon their personal and academic goals, develop learning strategies to enhance their academic success, and acquire a working knowledge of campus services and procedures.
Credits: 1 Hours 1 Class Hour Course Profile Learning Outcomes of the Course:
Upon successful completion of this course the student will be able to:
1. Recall the location and names of important student resource sites at SUNY Broome Community College and what information or service is provided at each site.
2. Discuss teacher expectations for classroom behavior and study habits and evaluate the effectiveness of their classroom behavior and study habits.
3. Formulate and evaluate solutions to classroom, academic, and personal problems they might face as college students.
4. Create an academic plan that outlines when degree requirements will be met and how transfer/career goals and financial concerns will be addressed.
5. Summarize SUNY Broome Community College’s financial and academic policies and explain their importance to student progress at SUNY Broome.
6. Access and use SUNY Broome Community College’s electronic resources for students correctly and effectively.