Associate in Applied Science
CIP Code: 52.1899
The mission of A.A.S. in Business: Marketing, Management and Sales program is to provide opportunities to earn academic credentials based on student interests, talents, and capabilities that will prepare students for careers in business.
Program Learning Outcomes
- Demonstrate an understanding of concepts and terms in accounting, marketing, management, and law.
- Solve statistical problems in business.
- Communicate effectively in organizational settings.
- Analyze and respond effectively to legal and ethical situations in diverse organizations.
Program Supervisor
Gian Roma, Chairperson
Office: Business Building, Room 108
Telephone: +1 (607) 778-5133
The Business: Marketing, Management and Sales Associate in Applied Science is designed as a general business program leading to immediate employment opportunities, although many students will transfer to 4-year institutions. By carefully selecting the business course electives, a student can generate a concentration in a particular field such as Sales, Retailing, Management, Marketing, or Entrepreneurship (Small Business Management). To identify these courses, students should discuss their interests with their academic advisors. Three such recommended sequences are shown on the following pages.
This program may be taken on a full-time or part-time basis, including on weekends (see College On The Weekend).