Mar 14, 2025
2022-2023 Official General Catalog [Archived Catalog]
ESL 125 - Introduction to Academic Writing Introduction to academic writing for non-native students at the low-advanced level, with a focus on paragraph writing. Understanding of paragraph structure and process of paragraph writing. Practice in writing a variety of common rhetorical paragraph modes. Understanding of and practice in prewriting techniques, sentence types, mechanics, and American writing conventions. Introduction to essay writing.
Prerequisite- Corequisite Prerequisites: ESL 113 English as a Second Language Grammar 3, ESL 114 English as a Second Language Speaking & Listening 3, ESL 115 English as a Second Language Reading and Writing 3, or Chairperson approval
Corequisite: SPK 095 Academic Speaking and Listening for Non-Native Speakers, or Chairperson approval
Credits: 4 Hours 4 Class Hours Course Profile Learning Outcomes of the Course:
Upon successful completion of this course the student will be able to:
- Use correct paragraph format when preparing an assignment.
- Use the four main steps of the writing process, namely prewriting, organizing, writing, and polishing in their writing.
- Develop ideas for a paragraph using prewriting techniques such as listing, freewriting, clustering, and outlining and apply these strategies in various writing tasks.
- Identify the three components of a paragraph: the topic sentence, supporting sentences, and the concluding sentence.
- Write unified and coherent paragraph compositions with a topic sentence, supporting sentences, and the concluding sentence.
- Recognize and use various rhetorical modes: narrative, descriptive, logical division of ideas, process, and comparison-contrast.
- Correctly identify and effectively write various sentence types (simple, compound, complex, and mixed) in their compositions.
- Identify and correct common sentence errors such as fragments, run-ons, comma splices, and faulty parallelism.
- Correctly use the conventions of American academic writing, including indentation, margins, titles, spacing, capitalization, and punctuation.
- Revise their own texts by themselves and with a peer editor for content, organization, and clarity. Give constructive feedback to peers about their writing.
- Detect and correct grammar, spelling, and mechanics errors in advanced texts and in their own work.
- Identify the three components of an essay: the introductory paragraph, body paragraphs, and the concluding paragraph. Write a coherent short essay with at least five paragraphs.