2022-2023 Official General Catalog [Archived Catalog]
BUS 248 - Human Resource Management Acquisition, development, maintenance, and utilization of a workforce within an organization. Job analysis, recruitment and selection, training and development, equal opportunity law, wage/benefit administration, and union-management relations are focus areas of this course. Other timely topics such as sexual harassment and the current regulatory environment are examined as circumstances dictate. Lecture, cases, discussion.
Credits: 3 Hours 3 Class Hours Course Profile Learning Outcomes of the Course:
Upon successful completion of this course the student will be able to:
- Explain the role of human resource activities within a business.
- Explain how jobs are created and evolve.
- Analyze and employ the proper policies concerning morale, employee relations as they relate to personnel.
- Analyze and employ beneficial union-management relations.
- Employ within a personnel program meaningful:
a. Recruitment procedures
b. Selection processes
c. Training and development programs
d. Compensation systems
e. Benefit programs
6. Analyze group dynamics and organizational communication policies as they relate to HR activities.