2022-2023 Official General Catalog [Archived Catalog]
ADN 211 - Meeting Human Needs III The focus of this course is on the nursing care of people who have actual/potential health problems related to Gordon’s health patterns of: Nutrition/Metabolic, Elimination, and Sexuality/Reproductive. Classroom theory and clinical practice integrate all eleven of Gordon’s Functional Health Patterns. Also integrated into this course are our beliefs about human caring, the nature of human beings, health and nursing. The concepts of hierarchy of human needs and life-cycle are applied to the nursing care of persons with common health problems.
The nursing process is utilized as the modality through which critical thinking skills are applied in the delivery of care. Emphasis is placed on health assessment, health promotion, health restoration and health maintenance. The student provides nursing care to persons in specialty and general medical/surgical units, as well as in community settings. Students assume the nursing practice roles of the Associate Degree nurse with direction.
Prerequisite- Corequisite Prerequisites: ADN 105 Meeting Human Needs I, ADN 106 Meeting Human Needs II, BIO 131 Anatomy & Physiology I, BIO 132 Anatomy & Physiology II, ENG 110 College Writing I, HST 210 Pharmacology, PSY 110 General Psychology, PSY 210 Developmental Psychology
PRIOR ad Concurrent: CLT 208 Pathogenic Microbiology and CLT 209 Pathogenic Microbiology Laboratory or BIO 150 General Microbiology
Credits: 6.5 Hours 4 Class Hours, 1 Laboratory Hours, 6 Clinical Hours/Wk for 15 Weeks Course Profile Learning Outcomes of the Course:
Upon Completion of ADN 211, the student will practice as a caregiver who demonstrates more advanced competency in the eight roles of the nurse which include: communication, professional behaviors, assessment, clinical decision-making, caring interventions, teaching/learning, collaboration, and manager of care. When caring for persons experiencing disruptions in Sexuality/Reproductive, Nutritional/Metabolic, and Elimination, the student will:
- Demonstrate accountability within the ethical, legal and regulatory framework of nursing.
- Communicate professionally with colleagues and therapeutically with clients.
- Accurately interpret assessments of maternal/child clients and clients with disruptions in endocrine, renal and GI systems, according to Gordon’s Functional Health Patterns.
- Apply nursing process in the care of clients experiencing disruptions in human functioning.
- Support clients and significant others experiencing disruptions in human functioning by incorporating the dimensions of human caring.
- Design teaching plans specific to maternal/child care, endocrine, renal and GI disorders.
- Collaborate with health team members in the provision of care.
- Develop an individualized and prioritized plan of care for clients based on variations in assessments across the life-cycle.
- Maintain safety and asepsis at appropriate skill level.