2016-2017 Official General Catalog [Archived Catalog]
ASA 210 - Chemical Dependency Counseling I This course identifies the uniqueness of chemical dependency counseling by examining concepts, issues, and skills required to provide basic group therapy for chemically dependent persons. Group norms, goals, content, process, stages of group growth, group curative factors, group principles, and issues/problems of group dynamics and professional ethics are explored. Traditional theoretical models, such as Adlerian, Existential, Person-Centered, Behavioral, REBT, and various perspectives will be explored relative to chemical dependency group counseling.
Prerequisite- Corequisite Prerequisite: ASA 110 Introduction to Chemical Dependency Studies
Prior or Concurrent: PSY 217 Introduction to Counseling Theory and Practice
Credits: 3 Hours 3 Class Hours Course Profile Learning Outcomes of the Course:
Upon successful completion of this course the student will be able to:
1. Identify several types of groups.
2. Demonstrate understanding of groups in a multicultural context.
3. Identify general guidelines for group work with multicultural populations.
4. Discuss critical issues related to ethical guidelines for group counselors.
5. Identify main characteristics/issues/problems for beginning group leaders.
6. Name special skills needed for opening and closing group sessions.
7. Discuss advantages and disadvantages of co-leading groups.
8. Begin to identify personal style of group leadership.
9. Demonstrate knowledge of the stages of group development.
10. Discuss theorectical approaches to groups.
11. Identify main patterns of group dynamics.
12. Be able to apply group leadership skills to working with chemically dependent populations.
13. Critically discuss the nature of group therapy as it relates to curative factors.