2013-2014 Official General Catalog [Archived Catalog]
CHM 120 - Fundamental Chemistry Composition of substances, atomic structure, periodicity, bonding, chemical equations, state of matter, aqueous solutions, pH, and an introduction to organic chemistry and biochemistry.
Prerequisite- Corequisite Prerequisite: MAT 090 Foundations for College Mathematics I
Credits: 4 Hours 3 Class Hours, 3 Laboratory Hours Course Profile Learning Outcomes of the Course:
Upon successful completion of this course the student will be able to:
1. Understand the general and physical properties of matter.
2. Understand the basic model of the atom.
3. Determine names and formulas of simple binary compounds and simple acids.
4. Perform basic algebraic manipulations to relative to simple chemical calculations.
5. Perform mathematical manipulations such as unit analysis with proper attention to units and significant figures.
6. Use the concept of the mole in quantitative chemical calculations.
7. Balance chemical equations.
8. Calculate amounts of chemicals involved in reactions.
9. Calculate and utilize solution concentration units such as molarity.
10. Classify chemical reactions.
11. Use concepts of pH in acidic and basic solutions.
12. Predict shape and geometry of simple molecules.
13. Understand the ideal gas law and its application in quantitative problems.
14. Discuss the naming and classification of organic compunds.
15. Discuss the basic reactions of organic compounds.
16. Discuss the naming and classification of biochemical compounds.
17. Discuss the basic compounds of food, carbohydrates, lipids, and proteins.
18. Discuss the basic chemical reactions of a living system.
19. Discuss the basic chemical reaction of drugs.
20. Discuss the basic chemical reactions of poisons.
Methods of Assessing Outcomes:
The expected learning outcomes will be assessed through the use of homework assignments and/or quizzes, chapter exams, and the final exam.