Mar 31, 2025  
2009-2010 Official General Catalog 
2009-2010 Official General Catalog [Archived Catalog]

Academic Information

Click on any of the following links for information:

Degree and General Requirements

  1. Successful completion of all courses for the degree as contained in this Catalog. This requirement includes earning a high school diploma or a GED.
  2. A 2.00 cumulative GRADE POINT AVERAGE in those courses applicable to the degree.
  3. Filing of an Application for Graduation in the final semester.
  4. Recommendation of the faculty that the degree requirements have been met by the student.
  5. Satisfaction of all obligations to the College.
  6. Specific curriculum requirements.
  7. Satisfaction of General Education requirements
  8. Candidates for graduation must have on file a copy of final transcript from high school showing graduation or proof of a GED diploma to receive a BCC degree or certificate.

Satisfaction of the equivalent of a semester’s course of study (12 credits) at BCC. This is the College’s residency requirement and is most important for transfer students.

The Associate in Applied Science Degree (AAS)

This degree is awarded to graduates of curricula in these fields of study:

Business Information Management
Chemical Dependency Counseling
Civil Engineering Technology
Computer Information Systems
Computer Technology
Criminal Justice-Police
Dental Hygiene
Early Childhood
Electrical Engineering Technology
Emergency Medical Technology-Paramedic
Financial Services
Fire Protection Technology
Health Information Technology
Hotel/Restaurant Management
Individual Studies
Industrial Technology
Industrial Technology: Quality Assurance
Mechanical Engineering Technology
Medical Assistant
Medical Laboratory Technology
Office Administration
Physical Therapist Assistant
Radiologic Technology
Telecommunications Technology - Verizon

Curriculum Requirements

  1. The minimum number of credits in a student’s major field as determined by each academic department. These are courses intrinsic to, and required by, the various curricula.
  2. A minimum of 20 credits in Liberal Arts and Sciences courses will include:
    1. Social Sciences: a minimum of 6 credits including 3 in designated citizenship-related courses
    2. Natural Sciences and/or Mathematics: a minimum of 6 credits
    3. Humanities: a minimum of 6 credits in designated English courses
    4. Two Writing Emphasis W courses
    5. Satisfaction of General Education requirements.
  3. Satisfactory completion of all courses in a curriculum, or as approved, in a department.
  4. Summer clinical experience required for graduation in curricula noted.

The Associate in Arts Degree (AA)

This degree is awarded to students who complete the following requirements:

  1. English: 9 credits, including ENG 110, 111, and 220.
  2. History: a minimum of 9 credits.
  3. Foreign Language: high school exemption or Beginning II.
  4. Humanities: 3 credits in Literature, Philosophy, or Humanities.
  5. Mathematics: based on high school preparation, SUNY General Education requirement, and BCC requirement.
  6. Natural and Physical Sciences: a minimum of 8 credits.
  7. Social Sciences: a minimum of 6 credits including 3 in designated citizenship courses.
  8. Electives: 8-24 credits. A maximum of 15 credits may be taken outside the offerings in Liberal Arts and Sciences.
  9. Completion of 2 Writing Emphasis W courses.
  10. Physical Education: 1 cardiovascular credit.
  11. Arts: 3 credits in ART, MUSIC, THEATER
  12. Satisfaction of General Education requirements.

The Associate in Science Degree (AS)

This degree is awarded to graduates in these fields of study:

Business Administration
Business Administration:
International Business
Communications and Media Arts
Computer Science
Criminal Justice - Corrections
Engineering Science
Homeland Security
Human Services
Individual Studies
Liberal Arts and Sciences: Science Option
Liberal Arts: General Studies

AS Degree Requirements:

  1. At least 30 credits in the Liberal Arts and Sciences.
  2. Physical Education - 1 cardiovascular credit PED for Business Administration, Computer Science, Engineering Science, and Liberal Arts and Human Services students.
  3. Completion of 2 Writing Emphasis W courses.
  4. Satisfaction of General Education requirements.

State University of New York General Education Requirement


Requirement: The State University of New York’s General Education Requirement applies to all State-operated institutions offering undergraduate degrees. It requires baccalaureate degree candidates, as a condition of graduation, to complete a General Education program of no fewer than 30 credit hours specifically designed to achieve the student learning outcomes in ten knowledge and skill areas and two competencies. The SUNY General Education Requirement became effective in Fall 2000 for entering students due to graduate with a SUNY Bachelor’s degree in Spring 2004. (State University of New York Board of Trustees, Resolution 98-24, December 1998)

Community College Participation: Community colleges were instructed to develop plans to provide, at a minimum, 21 credit hours covering seven of the ten General Education knowledge and skill areas for the A.A. and A.S. students who are planning to transfer to SUNY baccalaureate-granting colleges. BCC’s plan and courses (shown below) have received SUNY approval. Participation in the SUNY-wide General Education program complements and augments BCC’s long-standing General Education goals.

Knowledge/Skill Areas Learning Outcomes Students will demonstrate: BCC Courses Approved
3 credits
Competence in the following quantitative reasoning skills:
  • Arithmetic
  • Algebra
  • Geometry
  • Data analysis
  • Quantitative reasoning.
BUS 115, MAT 115 and MAT 116 (in this order), MAT 124, 136, 146, 156, 160, 181, 182, 224. For Elem. Education transfers only: MAT 119 and MAT 120 (in this order).
Natural Sciences
3 credits
  • Understanding of the methods scientists use to explore natural phenomena, including observation, hypothesis development, measurement and data collection, experimentation, evaluation of evidence, and employment of mathematical analysis.
  • Application of scientific data, concepts, and models in one of the natural sciences.
BIO 111, 112, 115, 131, 132, 150, 200. CHM 120, 121, 123, 133, 141, 142, 145, 146, 245, 246. MLT 205, 208. PHS 111, 112, 113, 114, 115, 116, 117, 125. PHY 118, 160, 161, 162, 181, 182.
Social/Behavioral Sciences
3 credits
  • Understanding of the methods social scientists use to explore social phenomena, including observation, hypothesis development, measurement and data collection, experimentation, evaluation of evidence, and employment of mathematical and interpretive analysis
  • Knowledge of major concepts, models, and issues of at least one discipline in the social sciences.
ANT 111. BUS 116. CRT 245. ECO 110, 111. GEO 120. POS 201, 204. PSY 110. SOC 110, 111. SOS 101, 111, 116, 120, 155.
United States History
3 credits
  • Knowledge of a basic narrative of American history: political, economic, social, and cultural, including knowledge of unity and diversity in American society.
  • Knowledge of common institutions in American society and how they have affected different groups.
  • Understanding of America’s evolving relationship with the rest of the world.
HIS 130, 131. 85> grade on Regents US History exam following courses can be elected: HIS 175, 188, 194.*
Western Civilization
3 credits
  • Knowledge of the development of the distinctive features of the history, institutions, economy, society, culture, etc., of Western civilization
  • Understanding of the relationship between the development of Western civilization and that of other regions of the world.
HIS 100, HIS 116 and HIS 117, HIS 155*, 156. HUM 101, 102.
Other World Civilizations
3 credits
  • Knowledge of a broad outline of world history, or
  • Knowledge of the distinctive features of the history, institutions, economy, society, culture, etc., of one non-Western civilization.
HIS 116 and HIS 117, HIS 141, 163, 164.
3 credits
  • Knowledge of the conventions and methods of at least one of the humanities in addition to those encompassed by other knowledge areas required by the General Education program.
ART 102, 103, 104, 108, 109, 110, 146. COM 145, 200. ENG 220. HUM 101, 102, 103, 104. LIT (ALL) 200, 210, 211, 214, 215, 220, 225, 230, 233, 235, 240, 250, 253, 260, 263, 264, 267, 270, 272, 273, 274, 276, 277, 280, 285, 290, 295, 297. MUS 101*, 108*, 109, 111, 112, 114. PHI 102, 104, 201, 206. SPA 204, 207. THR 102, 221, 222.
The Arts
3 credits
  • Understanding of at least one principal form of artistic expression and the creative process inherent therein.
ART 102, 103, 104, 105, 106, 108, 109, 110, 111, 112, 115, 116, 125, 130, 140. COM 145, 200, 205. ENG 170, 175. MUS 101, 105, 106, 108, 109*, 111, 112, 114, 180, 188, 200. PED 135, 137. THR 101, 102, 109, 110, 111, 112, 114, 117, 151, 152, 161, 165, 175, 221.
Foreign Language
3-4 credits
  • Basic proficiency in the understanding and use of a foreign language.
  • Knowledge of the distinctive features of culture(s) associated with the language they are studying.
FRE 101. GER 101. ITA 101. SPA 101. Most BCC AA/AS students must complete 102 level; most BA/BS students must complete 201 level. 201 level strongly recommended.
Basic Communication
3 credits

Students will:

  • produce coherent texts within common college-level written forms;
  • demonstrate the ability to revise and improve such texts;
  • research a topic, develop an argument, and organize supporting details;
  • develop proficiency in oral discourse; and
  • evaluate an oral presentation according to established criteria.
ENG 107, 108, 110, 111, 150.
Critical Thinking (Reasoning) Students will:
  • identify, analyze, and evaluate arguments as they occur in their own or others’ work; and
  • develop well-reasoned arguments.
Courses across the curriculum incorporate these learning goals; ENG 110, 111, 220 explicitly target these learning outcomes.
Information Management Students will:
  • perform the basic operations of personal computer use;
  • understand and use basic research techniques; and
  • locate, evaluate, and synthesize information from a variety of sources.
Courses across the curriculum incorporate these learning goals; ENG 110, 111 explicitly target these learning outcomes.

Students who do not complete the 30 credits required by SUNY General Education at BCC will have to complete the remainder while attending a four-year SUNY institution.
To view the current list of approved course offerings go to:

General Education at BCC


Broome Community College’s General Education program strives to ensure that each graduate will:

  1. communicate effectively orally and in writing and (SUNY#10) acquire information management skills. (SUNY #12)
  • Students take ENG 110, and/or 111, and 220, and two Writing Emphasis W courses; information management skills are taught in a variety of courses across the curriculum.
  1. think clearly and critically. (SUNY #11)
  • Students will achieve competence in critical thinking in courses across the curriculum.
  1. become sensitive to the ethical dilemmas of daily life and experienced in moral reasoning, discourse, and (SUNY #11) judgment.
  • Courses in various curricula and programs will integrate moral reasoning and argument; Social Science/Civic Education courses explicitly include moral reasoning in student learning outcomes.
  1. exercise one’s right and obligation to be informed about and participate competently in civic affairs. (SUNY #3 and #4)
  • Students take designated History/ Social Science courses that address this goal.
  1. acquire a global outlook and appreciate human and cultural diversity. (SUNY #5 and #6)
  • In addition to study of non-Western cultures required in many transfer programs, global and cross-cultural inquiry is integral to Social Science courses.
  1. gain facility in quantitative analysis, and acquire knowledge of scientific and technological concepts, (SUNY #1) procedures, achievements, and concerns. (SUNY #2)
  1. maintain good health and fitness.
  1. make connections through the extra curriculum.

Writing Emphasis Courses

What is a W course? A W course is a Writing Emphasis course, a course in a discipline other than English (ENG courses are not W courses) in which students use writing to think and to learn as well as to communicate. Writing about the subject matter is integral to the course.

Many courses have been designated Writing Emphasis or W courses. A W course will always have a W as part of the course number. For instance, MAT 120W01 is a Writing Emphasis section of the course Mathematics for Elementary Education II.

A student must successfully complete two (2) W courses to fulfill degree requirements. The W courses follow ENG 110 College Writing I and precede ENG 220 Communicating About Ideas and Values.

Students should consult the master schedule and speak with an advisor before choosing an appropriate W course. The complete list of W courses for each semester can be found on the Writing Center website.

Writing Emphasis Module

The Writing Emphasis or W Module, attached to a course section not designated, at least in a particular semester, as a Writing Emphasis or W course section, is arranged collaboratively by the instructor of the course section and the student, who must petition for approval of the Module by the Writing Initiatives Committee in conjunction with the General Education Steering Committee. The Writing Emphasis or W Module is intended for students, usually in their final semester at the College, who are preparing to graduate but for a variety of reasons lack the two required Writing Emphasis or W courses. Like W courses, W modules encourage students to use writing to think and to learn as well as to communicate. The Module carries no additional academic credit.

The Writing Emphasis or W Module provision may be important to transfer students who have completed their General Education requirements at other colleges or universities but who lack the Writing Emphasis or W courses mandated for graduation by Broome Community College. In any case, the Module is not intended to act as a substitute for W courses offered deliberately by academic departments or programs; students must make every effort to complete successfully those specifically conceived courses.

Students petitioning for a Writing Emphasis or W Module must prove that they have been unable to take routinely scheduled Writing Emphasis or W course sections. Under normal circumstances, they are expected to petition for the Module no later than the fifth week of classes. No petitions are accepted after the Withdrawal deadline.

Waiver of Degree Requirements

Students seeking waivers of degree requirements should consult their program chairpersons.

Dual Degree Award

Students seeking two degrees from the College should consult their chairpersons and/or deans to determine their eligibility under State University of New York guidelines.



Broome Community College will conduct one formal graduation ceremony each year in the spring. All candidates for degrees may participate in the ceremony. A candidate is a student who will complete his/her degree requirements at the conclusion of the fall, spring, or summer semester. Candidates must have filed their “Application for Graduation” and have been recommended as candidates by the chairperson of their academic department. Students who complete their degree requirements at the end of the fall semester will be invited to attend the next graduation ceremony.

Candidates for graduation must have on file in the Registrar’s Office a copy of final high school transcript or proof of a GED diploma to receive a BCC degree or certificate.

Declaration of Graduation Candidacy


Students intending to complete all degree requirements within a given semester are required to declare their intention to do so by filing an “Application for Graduation” with the Office of the Registrar.

Applications for Graduation should be filed by:
Spring Semester - March 15
Summer Semester - March 15
Fall Semester - October 15

Students filing after these dates will be considered as graduates for the semester but may not receive their diplomas in a timely fashion or have their names indicated in the Commencement Booklet (Spring semester). No application for candidacy will be accepted after the last day of classes of the term being applied for. Students applying after that date will be considered graduates of the following semester, or of the semester/year in which they file a candidacy form.

Graduation with Honors


Students who graduate with a cumulative grade point average of 3.80 or better will receive the distinction of graduating with “High Honors” and those who graduate with a cumulative grade point average between 3.50 and 3.79 inclusive will graduate with “Honors.”

Certificate Programs


Broome Community College also has certificate programs which are less than two years in length, have more specific objectives than the associate degree offerings, and consist of about one year of college credit. Some are designed to prepare students for jobs that require specialized higher education, but not necessarily a college degree; some provide students with an opportunity to upgrade their academic backgrounds or expand their qualifications for a particular field of study; and some offer college credits and additional training for people already working in the field.

Most of the certificate offerings carry college credits, and can lead a person into some of Broome Community College’s degree-granting curriculums. They can be taken on a full-time or part-time basis, and most of them are offered in the evening although some are available through day classes only. No specific high school courses are required for enrollment.

Certificate Programs

  1. Business Skills
  2. Desktop Publishing
  3. Early Childhood
  4. Entrepreneurship
  5. Human Services
  6. Industrial Technology
  7. Industrial Technology-Quality Assurance
  8. Liberal Arts
  9. Medical Transcription
  10. Office Technologies
  11. Paralegal
  12. Phlebotomy
  13. Website Development and Management

Standards for Academic Progress


Minimum Grade Point Average

In order to be in good academic standing and to be making academic progress toward a degree or certificate, a student must meet a minimum cumulative grade point average and successfully accumulate credits according to the following standards:

1) Grade Point Average

Credits Attempted   Minimum Cumulative GPA
12-20   1.50
21-40   1.75
41-upward   2.00

2) Successful Accumulation of Credits
Students must successfully pass (“D” grade or better) a total number of credits according to the following standard:

Credits Attempted   Credits Earned
20   12
40   24
60   36
80   48
100   60
120   72
140   84
160   96

“Credits attempted” include all credit hours for which the student was registered after the first week of a semester, regardless of later dropping or withdrawal from course. “Credits earned” excludes those credit hours associated with grades of “F”, “W”, or “I” (Incomplete).

By the time a student has attempted 20 credits, he/she must have successfully earned 12 credits. Likewise, 40 credits trigger the 24 credit minimum requirement. Any course in which a student is enrolled past the first week of classes is considered an attempted hour. Developmental courses do not give earned credit toward a degree at the college, but they are equivalent to the appropriate number of earned credits for academic standing.


Students’ records will be reviewed at the end of each semester by the Registrar. Students who have not met the minimum cumulative standards will be placed on probation. During this probationary time, the student is expected to remain in contact with his/her advisor, department chairperson, or division dean. Probationary standards may be required, such as limitation on total credit hours taken in the probationary semester, or specified courses, or regular meetings.

Continued Probation

Once on probation, a student must achieve a minimum semester GPA of 2.00, and must complete/earn at least 50% of his/her attempted credit hours for the semester to avoid dismissal. Students who meet these minimum probationary standards but still do not meet the minimum cumulative standards for academic progress will continue on probation. Students who meet the minimum cumulative standards will continue in good standing.


If a student does not meet the minimum probationary standards at the end of the probationary semester, the student will be dismissed from the College. Notification of dismissal will be sent by the College Registrar. Students who meet them minimum cumulative standards will continue in good standing.

Attendance After Dismissal

To continue in attendance, a dismissed student must submit a Petition for Academic Continuance to his/her Divisional Dean or Dean’s designee. Petitions can be obtained from the Dean’s Office. Based on a review of the student’s academic record and discussions with the student, the Dean/designee will determine the student’s status as follows:

Petition Dismissal:

  1. In rare cases clearly documented “extenuating circumstances” directly contributing to the student’s academic failure may be considered by the Divisional Dean/designee. A student may receive only one such petition for “extenuating circumstances” during his/her enrollment at the College.

Part-Time Enrollment:

  1. With the dean’s approval, a student may continue in the next semester on a part-time basis. The intent of allowing such part-time enrollment in an approved course of study is to afford the student the opportunity to complete a successful semester. Students permitted to attend on a part-time basis who successfully achieve “C” grades or better in two or more courses approved by the dean will be allowed to return to full-time status in the following semester.

    In either case, the student will continue on probation for the following semester and will be expected to meet the minimum probationary standards to avoid dismissal. A dean’s waiver does not guarantee continuity of financial aid.

Denial of Petition/Leave of Absence and Readmission:

  1. The Divisional Dean/designee may deny the student’s petition. Following absence from the college for a semester or more, students must reapply for admission and petition the dean for continuance of study.

Academic Grievance Procedure

Information about the academic grievance procedure is available in the Student Handbook and through the Office of the Vice President for Academic Affairs.

Academic Standards for Clinical Education

Academic Standards for Clinical Education in the Health Sciences Division programs require dismissal from the program of students who fail to meet established academic objectives for the physical safety, psychological safety, and confidentiality of patients.

Dismissal/Readmittance for Degree Programs

Students enrolled in Dental Hygiene, Health Information Technology, Medical Assistant, Clinical Laboratory Technology, Medical Laboratory Technology, Nursing, Physical Therapist Assistant, and Radiologic Technology must satisfactorily complete each scheduled, successive clinical assignment, in order to progress in the program. Students are subject to the campus Policies and Standards for Academic Progress, as well as those included in the Program Policy and Procedures Manuals, specific to each program. Students dismissed from these programs under program policies lose the curriculum designator and will no longer be advised by the departmental faculty or chairperson. They are advised to see an academic advisor, if they wish to continue taking courses within another curriculum.

Students dismissed from one of these programs may apply for readmission and will be considered eligible for the competitive admissions process. Students dismissed more than once may NOT reapply for the same program. Students who interrupt their course of study may be readmitted with advanced standing in program courses, on a space available basis, only with permission of the Department Chairperson.

Grading Information

This grading policy was adopted by the College commencing with the Fall 1992 semester.

Grades   Quality Points per Credit Hours   Explanation
A   4.0   Superior Achievement
A-   3.7    
B+   3.3    
B   3.0   Commendable Achievement
B-   2.7    
C+   2.3    
C   2.0   Satisfactory Achievement
C-   1.7    
D   1.0   Minimal Achievement
F   0.0   Unsatisfactory or withdrawal after 10th week
S   -   Satisfactory
U   -   Unsatisfactory or withdrawal after 10th week
W   -   Withdrawn from a course between the 3rd and 10th week (See “W” Grade below)
I   -   Incomplete due to special circumstances (See “I” grade conditions)
IP   -   “In Progress” for courses in which student is permitted one additional semester to complete
AU   -   Audit

Grade Point Average

Each grade carries a specified number of honor points, 4.0 for an A, 3.7 for an A-, 3.3 for a B+ as described in the section on Grading Information. To determine a student’s grade point average, multiply the number of honor points earned, according to the letter grade, by the number of credits for the course. Add these together and divide the sum by the total number of credits.

A grade point average (GPA) is calculated for each semester the student attends, and a cumulative summary is also shown on the student’s academic transcript.

For purposes of graduation eligibility, only those courses required for the degree will be used to determine if the criteria have been met for a 2.0 in courses applicable to the degree. This calculation will reflect the Program grade point average in the student’s field of study and will be fixed as of graduation. Any courses taken after that will not change the graduation GPA and will not be entered into the previous GPA in any way. The cumulative GPA, however, will reflect all courses taken by the student unless a course has been repeated.

“S” and “U” Grades

The S and U grade will apply only to specific courses determined by the appropriate departments and approved by the Vice-President for Academic Affairs. Such courses will not affect the Grade Point Average (GPA).

“W” Grade

It is the student’s responsibility to initiate action to receive a grade of W within the 4th and 10th weeks inclusive. Students cannot receive a “W” grade after the 10th week.

“W” or “F” grade periods for courses which meet for less than a full semester will be determined by the Registrar’s office.

“I” Incomplete Grade

An “I” or incomplete grade signifies that coursework cannot be completed during the term due to extenuating circumstances.

The “I” or incomplete grade shall be assigned by instructors only in cases where they have agreed to grant students extensions to complete coursework and a contract has been arranged between the student and instructor.

To petition for an “I” grade, the student must contact the instructor prior to the last class to arrange for the completion of the unfinished work. The instructor will file with the Office of the Registrar an “Incomplete Contract” form, outlining the provisions to complete the “I” grade, including an agreed upon time limit that shall not exceed the last day of the next major semester. The instructor may grant an extension for an additional semester by completing another “I” Contract.

After the student has completed the work, the instructor will submit a “Notification of Grade Change” form to the Registrar for removal of the “I” grade. If the student does not meet the time limit, the instructor shall direct the Registrar to record the appropriate grade.

When the Registrar is not notified by the instructor of a grade change, the Registrar will convert the “I” grades to “F” or “U” at the end of the next semester.

An instructor submitting a grade change for an “I” grade which has been converted to an “F” must follow the normal grade change provisions.

An “I” grade will be treated as an “F” grade in the calculation of academic progress. If a student is academically dismissed during the semester in which an “I” grade was granted, subsequent passing of the course will not rescind the academic dismissal.

“IP” grades

Some Developmental Courses allow the assignment of an “IP” or In-Progress grade when the course may require more than one semester to repeat. The student must re-register for the course. When the course is completed, the student will receive the grade assigned (generally an “S” or “U” in the last semester and the prior “IP” grade will be retained).

If the “IP” is not completed (the student does not re-register or leaves the institution), the former “IP” grade will be changed to a “U” at the beginning of the first semester (Spring or Fall only) in which the student has not re-registered for the course.

A student can receive the grade of “IP” only once for a course.


The term “Audit” designates a status, not a grade. The letters AU will appear next to the course name on the transcript.

Repeating Courses

Permission of a matriculated student’s department chairperson or divisional advisor is required in order to:

  1. repeat a failed course more than once.
  2. repeat a course in which a student has received a passing grade.

If a course is repeated, the higher grade will be included in the cumulative grade point average. If a required course is failed, the department or the dean may allow the student to substitute an equivalent or similar course rather than repeat the failed course. In such cases, the higher grade will be included in the cumulative grade point average. All grades will appear on the student’s transcript.

A course in which a grade of W was previously received is not considered a repeat.

Students repeating a course they have already passed (a “D” grade or better) may not be able to use that course as part of their calculation for full-time status for certification under the New York State Tuition Assistance Program (TAP) and should be advised to check with the Office of the Registrar before registering for the repeat course.

Grades Appeals

Broome Community College has established a procedure to provide students an opportunity to appeal grades in any particular course(s) or academic dismissal. Copies of the Student Academic Appeal procedure are available in the offices of the Divisional Deans. The policy also appears in the Student Handbook.

President’s/Dean’s List

Full-time students who have a semester grade point average 3.80 or better will be named to the President’s List. Such students must successfully complete a minimum of 12 credit hours and have no “I” grade for that semester. Courses which use the S or U or credit equivalent grade may not be among the 12 hours.

Full-time students who have a semester grade point average between 3.50 and 3.79 inclusive will be named to the Dean’s List. Such students must successfully complete a minimum of 12 credit hours and have no “I” grade for that semester. Courses which use the S or U or credit equivalent grade may not be among the 12 hours.

Part-time students can earn a place on the President’s or Dean’s List by having the appropriate cumulative grade point average for their most recent semesters that include at least 12 credit hours and have no “I” grades for those semesters. Courses which use the S or U credit equivalent grade may not be among the 12 hours. Part-time students should contact the Registrar’s Office if they have the appropriate grades.

Registration and Student Status


Late Registration:

Late registration for credit courses may be permitted during the first week of classes depending on program and course availability. However, no students will be admitted to any class after the 2nd week of that class.

A late initial registration fee will be charged during the week in which late registration is permitted.

Exceptions to this regulation may be made by a Division Dean.

Dropping a Course:

For a student to drop a course, an official “Drop/ Add” form needs to be signed by the Department Chairperson or an authorized College Advisor, and filed with the Registrar.

Telling the instructor is NOT sufficient notice of withdrawal.

One exception to the above rule is schedule changes necessitated by adding or dropping sections. In these instances, the process may be initiated by the Department or the Registrar.

The College reserves the right to administratively withdraw any student from any course for non-attendance. This may affect a student’s academic standing since such dropped courses will be considered credits attempted (see Attendance Regulations on following page for further information).

Full semester courses may be officially dropped by students without receiving a “W” only within the first three weeks of class. Courses dropped within the fourth and tenth weeks result in a “W” for the dropped course. “W” or “F” grade periods for courses which meet less than full semester will be determined by the Registrar’s Office.

Adding a Course:

Once a class begins, students may only add courses or change sections with the approval of the Department Chair or designee of the course.

After one week of classes, the addition of courses or changing of sections requires the approval of the divisional dean or his/her designee. The primary exceptions are courses where, upon advisement, a student may move to a lower level course.

In all cases, students must file the “Drop/Add” forms in order to become officially registered in additional courses.

Students who attend classes in which their names do not appear on the class list will be referred to the Registrar. Students are required to then present an official approved “DROP/ADD” form to the instructor.

Withdrawal from Full-Time Studies:

Students who decide to withdraw from the College must complete the proper termination forms available in Room 210, Student Services Building. Failure to officially withdraw may cause the individual to lose any possible refund of tuition. In addition, the student may receive an “F” grade for all courses.

Withdrawal from the College

Broome Community College has committed to a philosophy of providing whatever assistance is necessary to aid the student in completing his/her academic goals. Students are strongly encouraged to seek academic and personal counseling prior to any withdrawal.

Any student who decides to withdraw from the College must obtain a signed drop form from their department and complete a withdrawal form. The withdrawal form is available in Room 210 of the Student Services Building. Failure to comply may cause the individual to lose any possible refund fees or may negatively impact future financial aid resources.

Medical Withdrawal:

Verified medical or psychological reasons directly preventing the student from completing classes may be considered by the Divisional Dean for medical withdrawal. A student must begin the process by completing a drop form and obtaining an application for medical withdrawal at the Registrar’s Office.

A medical withdrawal, if approved, will be noted on the student transcript. Medical withdrawal has no effect on the student’s refund eligibility. (See BCC Refund regulations)

A medical withdrawal for a prior semester must be completed by the end of the semester in which the student returns to the College.

Granting of a Medical Withdrawal for a semester does not guarantee an override of academic dismissal status or financial aid eligibility. Students will need to file a petition for academic continuance.

Fresh Start

Any student who has been absent from BCC for 2 years (24 months) and was not in good academic standing can receive a Fresh Start. The following conditions apply to the awarding of Fresh Start:

  1. The Fresh Start will go into effect after the eligible student has completed a minimum of six or more credit hours of coursework in the semester they return with a grade of “C” or better in each course attempted. The following notation will appear on the transcript at the end of the semester in which the Fresh Start goes into effect: “Student Granted Fresh Start”.
  2. The Fresh Start Grade Point Average (GPA) will include all grades earned at the end of the first semester back at BCC. No grade (A through F) awarded prior to readmittance will be included in the new cumulative GPA.
  3. All prior grades and coursework will remain on the record. However, only prior credits from courses in which the student received a grade of “C” or better can be applied towards the degree. Credits from courses in with a “C-” or “D” cannot be applied toward the degree.
  4. The Fresh Start option, once granted, cannot be rescinded; can only be used once; and cannot be applied to a previously granted degree.
  5. Student requesting Fresh Start is not eligible for financial aid until condition #1 above is completed. Student should also consult the Financial Aid Office for any other conditions.

To initiate a Fresh Start, students may obtain a-request from the Registrar’s office, their Dean’s office, or Room 210 of the Student Services Building.

Changing Curriculum

Any student wishing to change curriculum must request a “Change of Curriculum” form from the Registrar’s Office. It must have the approval of the new division dean/designee or department chairperson and the signature of the current division dean/designee or department chairperson.

The Change of Curriculum Policy is administered under the following criteria:

  1. All previous courses and grades will remain on the permanent record.
  2. The academic standing of the student at the time of the Change of Curriculum will be maintained. For example, a student on probation at the time he or she applied for the change will remain on probation. Students who have been dismissed must file a petition with the dean of the division which sponsors the new curriculum.
  3. The student will be bound by the graduation requirements of the current catalog at the time of the curriculum change.

Semester Credit Overload

During the Fall and Spring semesters, no student may enroll (register) for more than 20.5 credits without approval from their divisional dean.

During the Summer semester, no student may register for more than 6.0 credits in any one summer term or take more than 12.0 credits for all summer terms without permission from their divisional dean.

Length of Curriculum

Most associate degree programs are designed to be completed in two years. The college year is divided into two semesters of 15 weeks each plus an evaluation week. Some students may choose or be required to take more than four semesters to earn their degrees. Radiologic Technology students, for example, have special clinical laboratory experiences in the summer of their freshman year.

Procedure for Student Name Change

If a student wishes to change his or her name at Broome Community College, the following policy and procedure must be used by the requestor:

Name change form must be filled out and turned into the Registrar’s Office. Name change will be done with the proper documentation. Proper documentation may include any one of the following items:

  1. A copy of name change on Social Security card or approved SS form.
  2. A State Driver’s License (picture) showing the name change.
  3. Legal document changing the name.
  4. Marriage license, wedding announcement from newspaper, or divorce decree.
  5. Other documentation, at the discretion of the Registrar.

A copy of the above documentation should be made by the Registrar’s office and placed in the student’s folder. Name change goes to Information Technology Services for processing.

Credit Equivalent

Some courses at Broome Community College carry credit equivalents. This means that they do not give a student credit toward a degree at the College, but they are equivalent to the appropriate number of credits for calculating academic loading and tuition. This credit load is used, to cite some examples, for determining a student’s status as full-time or part-time, for financial aid, for billing, and for academic standing. Courses carrying these credit equivalents fall in the 090 numbering series. Examples are: ENG 090 Basic Language Skills; MAT 090 Foundations of College Mathematics I; RDG 090 Reading Fundamentals; RDG 092 College Preparatory Reading. (See Developmental Courses)

Classroom Practices


Attendance Regulations

General Policy

Colleges throughout the nation have found that students who regularly attend classes have a better success record than students who do not regularly attend classes. With the intent of encouraging student success, BCC strongly urges students to regularly attend their classes. In fact, the College’s policy is that a student is expected to come to all class sessions prepared to participate in an appropriate manner. Absence from class is considered a serious matter does not excuse a student from classwork. A student must complete all assignments, examinations, and other requirements of any course, to receive credit.

Absence from class may also affect a student’s academic standing and eligibility for financial aid if student is administratively dropped for non-attendance. (See Deregistration below.)

The College understands, however, that students sometimes, due to uncontrollable circumstances, are absent from classes. In these cases, the students need to meet with their instructors to discuss missed work.

Department Exceptions

Within the spirit and framework of College policy, each department may develop its own guidelines to meet its needs. Such guidelines are subject to the approval of the Vice-President for Academic Affairs. NOTE: Some developmental courses have strict attendance requirements, whereby students may be deregistered from the class for poor attendance. This deregistration may result in a loss of financial aid. The consequences of this loss may be that the student must return financial aid monies to the College. Consult the course outline and/or the instructor for further details.


The College is required to administratively deregister a student for a course(s) based on lack of attendance as reported by the instructor of the course on the Official Section Attendance Sheet. Students who have never attended the section or have not attended after the census date will be deregistered from the course by the Registrar’s Office and notified of this action, which may result in a loss of financial aid.

Students enrolled in on-line courses must log on at least once a week to be considered attending.

Students who are administratively dropped for non-attendance during the semester continue to have a tuition and fee obligation.

Absence due to Religious Beliefs

Section 224-a of the State Education Law reads:

  1. No person shall be expelled from, or be refused admission as a student to, an institution of higher education for the reason that he/she is unable, because of his/her religious beliefs, to attend classes or to participate in any examination, study or work requirements on a particular day or days.
  2. Any student in an institution of higher education who is unable, because of his/her religious beliefs, to attend classes on a particular day or days, may be excused from any examination or any study or work requirements.
  3. It shall be the responsibility of the faculty and of the administrative officials of each institution of higher education to make available to each student who is absent from school, because of his/her religious beliefs, an equivalent opportunity to make up any examination, study or work requirements which he/she may have missed because of such absence on any particular day or days. No fees of any kind shall be charged by the institution for making available to the said student such equivalent opportunity.
  4. If classes, examination, study or work requirements are held on Friday after 4 p.m. or on Saturday, similar or makeup classes, examinations, study or work requirements shall be made available on other days, where it is possible and practical to do so. No special fees shall be charged to the student for these classes, examinations, study or work requirements held on other days.
  5. In effectuating the provisions of the section, it shall be the duty of the faculty and of the administrative officials of each institution of higher education to exercise the fullest measure of good faith. No adverse or prejudicial effects shall result to any student because of his/her availing himself/herself of the provisions of this section.
  6. Any student, who is aggrieved by the alleged failure of any faculty or administrative officials to comply in good faith with the provisions of this section, shall be entitled to maintain an action or proceeding in the supreme court of the county in which such institution of higher education is located for the enforcement of his rights under this section.
    1. A copy of this section shall be published by each institution of higher education in the catalog of such institution containing the listing of available courses.
  7. As used in this section, the term “institution of higher education” shall mean schools under the control of the Board of Trustees of the State University of New York or of the Board of Higher Education of the City of New York or any community college.

Student Cheating

An instructor has the prerogative of failing a student who has cheated on an exam, paper, project, report, or other assignment for that exercise only.

An instructor has the prerogative of failing a student in the course when the student has cheated a second time.

If the disciplinary actions described in steps 1 and 2 are inappropriate, the instructor with his/her department chairperson’s approval, can recommend an alternative action to the Dean and VPAA.

An instructor who fails a student in a course or any portion of a course because of cheating must file a report of the action with the Dean and VPAA and notify the student in writing immediately after taking such action.  The instructor must also notify in writing the student’s chairperson and dean, and the instructor’s chairperson.  When allegations of cheating have been upheld, the Vice President for Academic Affairs may administratively dismiss the student from the College.

An instructor should be prepared to defend the disciplinary action in the event the student feels he/she has been falsely accused of cheating and appeals the instructor’s action by means of the Student Academic Appeals Procedure.

Classroom Decorum

Students are responsible for completing all course requirements as specified in the course outline. They are also obliged to be on time to class and to treat their instructors and fellow students respectfully.

Individuals who are disruptive and whose behavior adversely affects the learning of fellow students, may be removed from class.

Supplemental and Alternative Learning Opportunities


Developmental Courses

Various courses are offered through various departments for those desiring skill improvement or review. Some of these carry credit; others do not. The non-credit courses listed below prepare students for credit level work in the basic skills areas of mathematics, writing and reading. These non-credit courses are equivalent in time to credit bearing classes and are applicable toward athletic eligibility.

Developmental courses graded on a letter basis (A, A-, B+, etc.) will not be calculated in the student’s semester grade point average and they may not be used for the determination of Academic Honors such as Dean’s or President’s List.

  Courses Credit or Equivalent
CHM 090 Preparatory Chemistry 0 or 4
ENG 090 Basic Language Skills 0 or 4
MAT 090 Foundations for College Mathematics I 0 or 4
MAT 092 Foundations for College Mathematics II 0 or 4
MAT 095 Metric Conversions and Dosages 0 or 1
MAT 096 Elementary Algebra and Trigonometry 0 or 5
MAT 097 Intravenous Medications and Pediatric Dosages 0 or 1
PHY 090 Preparatory Physics I 0 or 4
RDG 090 Reading Fundamentals 0 or 4
RDG 092 College Prep Reading 0 or 4
RDG 094 College Vocabulary Skills 0 or 2

NOTE: ENG 090, RDG 090, 092 have strict attendance requirements, whereby students may be deregistered from the class for poor attendance. This deregistration may result in a loss of financial aid. Consult course outline and/or instructor for further details.

Other developmental courses may be credit bearing. Students should pay close attention to catalog information pertaining to these courses and should consult their department chairpersons or Learning Assistance personnel about the acceptability of credit in a particular degree program.

  Courses Credit or Equivalent
LRS 101 Study Management 0.5
LRS 102 Memory and Exams 0.5
LRS 103 Textbook Mastery 0.5
LRS 104 Listening and Note taking 0.5
LRS 105 Learning Skills 2
LRS 106 College Success 3
LRS 107 Textbook Mastery and Note Taking Strategies 1
LRS 108 Study Management and Memory Strategies 1
LRS 120 The Art of Thinking 1
LRS 130 Intro to Microcomputers and Word Processing 2
LRS 150 Advanced Learning Skills 3
SAC Student Affairs Courses 1-3

College Level Examination Program (CLEP)

The College will recognize successful achievement at or above the 50th percentile on CLEP subject exams in accordance with SUNY and American Council of Education guidelines. Approval of credit for degree requirements or electives is determined by the appropriate department. Credit approval will be handled as transfer credit. Under certain circumstances, a department may accept general examination scores.

BCC Credit by Examination (CBE)

The College in many instances provides for full or part-time BCC matriculated students credit by examination for knowledge gained outside the traditional classroom situation. A letter grade will be posted on the student’s transcript upon completion of the exam. Guidelines for this procedure are available from the College’s chairpersons and deans. If a student receives an “F” grade after normal completion of a course, no credit by examination may be given in that subject.

Portfolio Assessment

(Special Individual Assessment)

The College will evaluate for credit various types of learning acquired outside the usual classroom environment. Particular criteria for awarding credit may be applied by an academic department. Approval of credit is the responsibility of the appropriate department. Students must clearly identify what has been learned. Contact the divisional dean for additional information.

Special Assessment of Experiential Learning

The College will evaluate for credit various types of learning acquired through participation in learning experiences, or training provided by business, industry, unions, professional societies, governmental agencies or the military. Particular criteria for awarding credit may be applied by an academic department, and approval of credit is the responsibility of the department. Contact the divisional dean for additional information.

Service Learning

Several courses offer students the option of a service-learning experience component. These courses respond to community needs, include cooperation with community partners, and provide opportunities for students to work in local community agencies. The service learning activity supplements classroom activity and includes an academic component.

Students will be required to devote a specific number of hours to the community agency. The time commitment varies by course and instructor, but it may be as little as 20 hours or as much as 36 hours over the course of the semester.

Independent Study

The college offers two types of Independent Study.

  1. Guided Study: is an opportunity for motivated students to take a regular college course independently, but under the guidance of an instructor. Students must seek faculty sponsorship for guided study and course requirements are part of a formal contract between the student and instructor. Authorization proceeds through instructor, chair and dean. Guided study, as an alternative to conventional, classroom-based coursework, is to be used only in exceptional circumstances and at the discretion of the sponsoring instructor. The guided study course will be approved and appear on the student’s transcript under the rubric and title of the specific regular course.
  2. Advanced Study: is an opportunity for able, highly motivated students to study a subject or topic in greater depth than is available through normal coursework. A formal contract defines the project, establishes reading and writing requirements, sets meeting schedules and stipulates assessment methods and measures. Authorization proceeds through instructor, chair, and dean. The advanced study course will be approved and appear on the student transcript as a “299” Independent Study under the appropriate department rubric. Students are limited to one “Advanced Study” course per semester.

Honors Courses

The College offers Honors courses or course sections that both help students to fulfill degree program requirements and enhance their degree programs. Honors courses or course sections are distinguished from other courses or course sections in several ways. First, in an Honors course or course section, students engage the course content at a more advanced level. Second, students explore more fully and more independently aspects of the course content that are of particular interest to them as individuals. Third, students commit to more rigor in the course or course section, recognizing the work needed to meet the Honors course or course section learning outcomes and achieve its performance expectations.

Eligibility for enrollment in an Honors course or course section is dependent upon a student’s status. Students must have completed 12 credit hours and earned a GPA of at least 3.3. (Presidential Scholars may enroll in Honors Courses in their first semester.) Transfer students also must have completed 12 credit hours and earned a GPA of at least 3.3 at BCC or another college. Too, students may appeal to the discretion of the Chair of the Department offering the course.

An Honors course or course section will be identified on the student’s transcript. That identification may benefit the student who intends to apply for transfer to a four-year institution.


College-on-the-Weekend is one way Broome Community College has responded to the needs of a growing number of non-traditional students. Many people wishing to continue their education cannot find the time during the week.

Students can earn credits, part-time, attending classes every third weekend &em; six weekends each semester, taking one, two, or three classes per term.

Students can take one, two, or three courses and progress at their own pace, and/or can combine College-on-the Weekend with day or evening courses at BCC to move along more rapidly.

Currently, BCC College-on-the-Weekend students can earn an Associate in Applied Science degree in Business with an emphasis in Human Resource Management or Marketing, or an Associate of Applied Science Degree in Accounting.

Various courses will be scheduled each semester to ensure that students will be able to take all necessary courses during the fall, spring, or summer terms. Students with business courses from other colleges should call about credit transfer. For more information call the Business Division 607 778-5008.

Weekend Services

BCC student services available to College-on-the-Weekend students:

  • Financial Aid
  • Lab Proctors
  • Learning Assistance Center
  • Study Areas
  • Library Services
  • Lounge
  • Computers
  • Advisors

Senior Audits

Any citizen of New York State who is 60 years of age or more may “audit” courses at Broome Community College without charge, as long as there is space available. In this context, the word “audit” means these students take the course by attending classes and being exposed to all the work given in class and assigned in the text. They do not have to do the homework or take the examinations, however, and they receive no letter grade or college credit.

The Online Academy for Distance Learning

The Online Academy at Broome Community College offers a number of distance learning courses each semester that are presented over the Internet. The instructor and students are connected to each other through a computer network. Using the Internet, students receive instruction, submit assignments, discuss issues, ask questions of fellow students and their instructors, work on group assignments, and actively participate in academic experiences; all from their home, office, or from any place they have access to the Internet. Classmates may be from the local community or may live anywhere on the globe. Students may participate any time, anywhere they have an appropriate computer with access to the Internet. There is no specific time that students have to be online, however the courses are not self-paced. There are class activities that students participate in each week.

Online courses meet the same rigor, standards, and learning outcomes that our traditional courses offer. They are generally taught by the same faculty that teach the course on campus and provide a high level of instruction and personal attention from the instructor.

In some majors, by careful selection of courses, it is possible for students to complete a substantial part of their degree requirements online.

The Online Academy web site at provides up to date information on available courses and answers many frequently asked questions. For more information contact the Registrar’s Office at 607 778-5027, the Counseling, Career Development & Advising Services at 607 778-5210, or consult with the department chair.

Overseas Study Program

Semester Aboard Programs

BCC provides formal, structured programs lasting for a semester or a year, in Australia, England, France, Spain, Italy, Korea, Ecuador, Greece, Ireland, Portugal, Dominican Republic, Mexico, China, Germany, and Switzerland. Students study a full semester program (usually 15 to 18 credits) that is arranged prior to their departure at affiliated schools, institutions, colleges, or universities abroad.

The subject areas range from liberal arts courses to specialized programs such as criminal justice, international business, and languages. Costs of these programs vary greatly, with emphasis on high quality programs at public institutions. The costs approximate those at U.S. public colleges. For 2005-06, the cost of a full semester in the popular program in England was about $7,600. This includes room and board, all tuition costs, and many extras.

Many BCC students will find their academic and personal lives enriched through a cultural experience difficult to match in a conventional two-year course of study in this country.

Students are able to use their financial aid packages for overseas study. A few special scholarships are also available. Over 300 students a year participate in the BCC Study Abroad programs.

Admission to Programs

Admission to the College does not automatically ensure admission to BCC programs overseas; separate application must be made. Students will be evaluated on their academic ability, motivation, maturity, and potential adaptability to a foreign culture. In addition to BCC approval, interviews with personnel from affiliate consortium institutions may be required. All programs are available to students from any college or the general public. Prior knowledge of a foreign language is not necessary.

January and Summer Short Programs

During each academic year BCC conducts short-term programs in January and in the summer months. A list of the January offerings is usually available by November.

The summer programs vary in length from two weeks to one month. Recent offerings have included Italian Culture and Language, and Field Ecology in Australia.

During the summer, there are special month-long programs in Italy, France and Spain. The cost of these programs was $3,400 each for 2006 but some students are able to qualify for scholarships. A full list of courses being offered during the summer is usually available in March.

International Students

Credits, Transcripts, and Tuition

For Study Abroad, Semester, Intersession and Summer Session

Students register at BCC and pay the appropriate tuition, which in some cases covers the instructional cost abroad. Students are monitored through consortium offices at the college they attend. Upon the successful completion of the formal program or after fulfillment of the contract, students will receive a BCC transcript reflecting the grades achieved or the course equivalents for the work done through the contract, greatly facilitating transfer of credits to other American institutions.

Full-time students registering for courses that are scheduled other than in the Fall or Spring semesters will be charged at the part-time tuition rate. Sessions other than fall and spring semesters will be called Summer Session and Intersession.

The usual refund policy is not in effect for students taking courses in the Intersession and summer. Refund policies in semester length programs are determined by the receiving foreign institutions.

Grades received for all courses taken from the beginning of the Fall Semester through the end of that semester will be considered first semester grades. Grades received for all courses taken from the end of the first semester through the end of the second semester (even if taken in January or abroad) will be recorded as second semester grades.

Summer Session is treated like a third semester. The regular college grading system is used for all programs. All credits earned are Broome Community College credits, which allows students to use their financial aid packages for semester length programs.

Students may earn up to 18 credits per semester, leading to an associate’s degree. Credits for Intersession/short-term programs range from one to six, depending on the time spent abroad, and the instruction offered in the program.

An Overseas Study bulletin board is maintained in the first floor lobby of Titchener Hall.

For additional details about any of the above programs, students should contact the International Studies Program Office at 607 778-5030.

Baccalaureate Transfer


Broome Community College graduates have successfully transferred to a wide array of baccalaureate degree granting higher education institutions. These include both private and public colleges and universities in and out of New York State. Some of these are listed below.

In-State Public Institutions State University Centers at:

Stony Brook

SUNY Colleges State University Colleges at:

Fashion Institute of Technology
New Paltz
SUNY College of Agricultural & Life Sciences (Cornell)
SUNY College of Environmental
Science & Forestry
SUNY College of Human Ecology (Cornell)
SUNY Upstate Medical University
SUNY Institute of Technology Utica/Rome

In-State Private Institutions

Clarkson University
College of St. Rose
Cornell University
Culinary Institute of America
Elmira College
Excelsior College
Hartwick College
Houghten College
Ithaca College
LeMoyne College
Marist College
Mercy College
New School for Social Research
Niagara University
Pratt Institute
Rochester Institute of Technology
St. Bonaventure University
St. John Fisher College
Syracuse University
University of Rochester

Out-of-State Institutions

American University (DC)
Anatolia College (Greece)
Arizona State University
Art Institute of Pittsburgh (PA)
Bloomsburg University (PA)
Coastal Carolina Universary (SC)
College of William & Mary (VA)
East Stroudsburgh University (PA)
Fairleigh Dickinson University (NJ)
Fayetteville State University (NC)
Florida Atlantic University
Franciscan University of Steubenville (OH)
Gallaudet University (DC)
Indiana University
Mansfield University (PA)
Marymount College (VA)
Marywood College (PA)
Massachusetts College of Pharmacy
National College of Chiropractic (IL)
North Carolina State University
Northeastern University (MA)
Northern Arizona University
Oklahoma State University
Pennsylvania State University
Rutgers State University (NJ)
Sam Houston University (TX)
San Jose State University (CA)
University of Maryland
University of Nevada
University of North Carolina
University of Pittsburgh (PA)
University of Vermont
University of Texas
Virginia Tech
Wilkes University (PA)
York College of Pennsylvania

Special Transfer Programs


Guaranteed SUNY Transfer

Students who graduate from Broome Community College with Associate in Arts or Associate in Science degrees are guaranteed admission, at the third-year level, to a four-year college of the State University of New York. This guarantee has certain limitations and details are in the Student Services Building, Room 210.

Broome Community College has special articulation agreements with many two-year, upper division, and four-year colleges. The institutions listed here have transfer arrangements with BCC which allow BCC graduates to continue their education toward their baccalaureate degrees. For more information, contact the Student Services Building, Room 210.

Faculty members will work directly with students on an individual basis to develop accurate transfer plans. It is always important for each student to take personal responsibility for the transfer process and to communicate in writing directly with the intended transfer institution, including the department of their preferred major, to assure that they are taking needed and transferable courses while attending BCC.

Cooperative Programs Nursing, SUNY Brockport

Broome Community College has a Three- Plus- One Program with the Department of Nursing at SUNY-Brockport. After completion of the AAS degree in Nursing at Broome Community College, students take additional courses at Broome Community College during the third year. After successfully completing entrance exams, the student is admitted to SUNY Brockport for completion of the Bachelor of Science in Nursing degree.

BCC to Excelsior Transfer Program

While completing a second Associate’s degree at BCC, students are able to satisfy the majorityof the requirements for a bachelor’s degree from Excelsior College.  The Bachelor’s degree is awarded by Excelsior College upon completion of all degree requirements and payment of required matriculation and graduation fees.  Current BCC/Excelsior students who are seeking academic advisement or BCC students desiring information about the BCC/Excelsior transfer agreement should contact Laura St. George in the Office of Continuing Education at 607 778-5364.

Keystone College

BCC students may also cross-register at Keystone College in LaPlume, PA, for one course each semester. The courses for which they cross-register must be ones that are not available at Broome Community College, and they can take them without paying additional tuition. Additional information is available in the Registrar’s Office (Student Services Building, Room 105).

Engineering Science

The Engineering Science Department has joint admissions agreements with Binghamton University’s Watson School and with Buffalo University’s School of Engineering. The department maintains specific articulation agreements with Cornell University, Clarkson University, Wilkes University, and Tri-State University, and a general articulation agreement with the Association of Engineering Colleges of New York State, all of which assure transfer as a junior to these institutions. Contact the Engineering Science Department for additional information.

Engineering, Binghamton University

Transfer Agreement

All Broome Community College students who have graduated or will graduate with an AA or AS degree with a grade point average of at least 3.0 will be admitted, upon application, as matriculated students at Binghamton University as space permits. Those students graduating with the above degrees, but with a grade point average between 2.6 and 3.0, are usually admitted. Others, including those with an AAS degree, should contact the Binghamton University Office of Admissions. Admitted students will be granted junior-year standing upon presentation of 56 or more transferable credits.

Environmental Science and Forestry Pre-Environmental Science and Forestry

This program is designed for those students who ultimately desire a B.S. degree in Environmental Science and Forestry (ESF), which is an upper division/graduate center.

After the first two years of study at Broome Community College, transfers to ESF may apply to a variety of programs at Syracuse which may include the biological sciences (botany and forest pathology, entomology, zoology, wildlife biology, silvics, pest management); chemistry (natural and synthetic polymers, biochemistry and natural products, environmental); forest engineering, paper science and engineering; wood products engineering; and forestry (resource management, forest resource science, management science, environmental forestry, applied resource management). The program in landscape architecture leads to a B.S. degree in environmental studies and, after one additional year, a Bachelor of Landscape Architecture degree.

Persons planning to transfer should follow the program requirements in consultation with BCC’s Pre-Environmental Science and Forestry campus advisor for selection of electives which may vary according to the curriculum at ESF.

Successful graduates of Broome Community College’s Pre-Environmental Science and Forestry Program generally gain admission to the SUNY College of Environmental Science and Forestry with full junior class status.

One-Plus-One Programs

Broome Community College has One-Plus-One programs with other two-year colleges to enable a student to attend BCC for one year and then transfer to the other college for the second year for the Associate in Applied Science degree. This program permits students to begin studying at BCC for a degree in a field not offered at this college. By taking the BCC courses that one needs for the particular degree involved, residents of Broome County can enjoy the advantage of living at home during one year of their college attendance. Students taking these One-Plus-One Programs are Liberal Arts and Human Services students at Broome Community College because most of the courses they take at BCC are Liberal Arts and Human Services courses.

Check with the Liberal Arts and Human Services Office for more information about these programs.

Part-Time Studies


General Information

Anyone in the community may enroll as a part-time student; BCC attracts a large number each year. These are mostly “nontraditional” students, men and women who also work full-time. The College has a strong commitment to serving the part-time student.

Part-time students are those who take fewer than 12 credits per semester, usually one or two courses. At BCC, part-time students can:

  • enroll in credit courses, or non-credit mini courses.
  • take day, evening, or weekend courses.
  • attend classes in the fall, spring, or summer semester.
  • earn a degree or not, as they see fit. Certificate programs are available.
  • receive academic advising and personal counseling.
  • borrow books from the College library.
  • receive Veterans’ benefits.
  • transfer credits to BCC earned at another college.
  • participate in the College-on-the-Weekend Program.
  • part-time matriculated students carrying at least 6 credit hours are eligible for financial aid; less than half-time students may also qualify for some Federal and State financial aid.  All students should complete their FAFSA as early as possible.


Although part-time students can take courses without being admitted, it is generally in the student’s best interest to seek admission early in their studies. This will ensure more accurate and comprehensive advisement. Also, financial aid programs require formal admission to a degree program.

Placement Test

Part-time students are required to demonstrate basic skills competency for college level work. All matriculated students &em; those who are officially enrolled in a degree program &em; are required to take placement tests in reading, writing, and mathematics. The scores from the tests are used together with high school records to place students in courses where they will have the best chance to succeed. Contact the Admissions Office (607 778-5001) or your advisor for testing information.


Academic advisement and counseling are available for all Liberal Arts and Human Services part-time and evening students in the Student Services Bldg., Room 210. Call 607 778-5421 to make arrangements to receive academic advising assistance.

