Jan 17, 2025
Fall 2018 Official General Catalog [Archived Catalog]
Emergency Medical Technology/Paramedic Certificate
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CIP CODE: 51.0904
Successful completion of the Certificate in EMT/Paramedic Program prepares graduates for admission to the New York State Health Department examinations for certification as a Paramedic. The paramedic certification course sequence includes classroom, hands-on skill development, hospital clinical experience, and field internships. The Certificate includes courses required for admission to the New York State Depertment of Health Paramedic certification exams.
Learning Outcomes:
- Synthesize patho-physiological and psychosocial principles to adapt the assessment and treatment plan for medical emergencies, trauma emergencies and diverse patients.
- Describe various medical devices that might be encountered while caring for medical emergencies, trauma emergencies and other diverse patients and explain how to trouble shoot common devices.
- Synthesize patho-physiological principles with basic and advanced assessment findings to articulate a field impression, and subsequently develop and implement treatment plans.
- Describe and be able to implement the principles of rescue operations to safely rescue a patient.
Paramedic Program Administrator and Student Advisor
David Tinklepaugh
Office: Business Building, Room 002
Telephone: 607 778-5542
E-mail: tinklepaughd@sunybroome.edu
Program Supervisor
Kerry Weber, Chairperson
Office: Business Building, Room 107
Telephone: 607 778-5008
E-mail: kalickweberkc@sunybroome.edu
Program Coordinator
James Sheerin
Office: Business Building, Room 233
Telephone: 607 778-5139
E-mail: sheerinjp@sunybroome.edu
Spring Semester 6 Credits
Spring Semester 8 Credits
Summer Semester 3 Credits
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