Associate in Science Transfer Programs (Advised Career Pathways)
CIP CODE: 5649.00
The aim of the Liberal Arts General Studies (LAGS) Program is to provide students with a broader range of curricular choices so that, under the guidance of faculty advisers, they can align their Associate degrees more closely with programs at senior institutions. The intent is to allow students with clear academic and/or career goals to structure their Associate degree programs so as to transfer as juniors to senior colleges, needing only four additional semesters to complete the baccalaureate degree. General Education courses totaling 30 to 34 credits are required of General Studies (AS) students, leaving a like number of elective credits. The total number of credits needed to fulfill the LAGS degree program credit hour requirement for students is 64.
Teacher Education Students: see “Teacher Preparation and Certification”
Program supervised by:
David Zeggert, Coordinator
Art and Design
Office: Titchener Hall, Room 103
Telephone: 607 778-5615
Katherine Bacon, Chairperson of Performing Arts, Associate Professor and Director
Office: Student Center, Little Theatre
Telephone: 607 778-5191
Lisa Strahley, Chairperson
Teacher Education
Office: Titchener Hall, Room 210
Telephone: 607 778-5029