Associate in Applied Science
CIP CODE: 5213.00
Health Information professionals play a critical role in maintaining, collecting and analyzing the data that doctors, nurses and other healthcare providers rely on to deliver quality healthcare. They are experts in managing patient health information and medical records, administering computer information systems and coding the diagnosis and procedures for healthcare services provided to patients and for reimbursement and research. HIM professionals work in a multitude of settings throughout the healthcare industry including hospitals, physician offices and clinics, long-term care facilities, insurance companies, government agencies and home care providers.
Practice in the college health information laboratory as well as in health information departments of various healthcare facilities, provides opportunities of additional educational experience.
Students who graduate from the program are eligible to take the National Certification Examination to become a Registered Health Information Technician (RHIT). Graduates may continue health information management education toward a baccalaureate degree at four-year colleges.
Sequence of Courses: The following coursework must be successfully completed to earn the A.A.S. degree in Health Information Technology. Courses are sequential and have prerequisites.
Program supervised by:
Holly Jones, Chairperson
Office: Decker Health Science Center, Room 217
Telephone: 607 778-5063