2017-2018 Official General Catalog [Archived Catalog]
ASA 320 - Supervised Clinical Internship Two semesters of internship practicum, under supervision, in a chemical dependency related facility is required to provide exposure to the work of such facilities and sensitize students to prevention, clinical, and documentation skills of the profession. The student will enter the field work as an intern and will be subject to all legal, ethical, and professional standards required of staff members. Placement may include rehabilitation programs, detox units, prisons, hospitals, public school prevention programs/education programs, crisis centers, clinics or other recognized facilities designated for the education, prevention, or treatment of chemically dependent persons. A primary goal of the internship(s) is to evaluate the student under actual working conditions to ascertain readiness for clinical work in the field. Ethical principles and supervision are integrated into all areas of the experience.
Prerequisite- Corequisite Prerequisites: ASA 110 Introduction to Chemical Dependency Studies, ASA 210 Chemical Dependency Counseling I, ASA 310 Supervised Clinical Internship
Credits: 4 Hours 2 Class Hours, 16-20 Internship Hours Course Profile Learning Outcomes of the Course:
Upon successful completion of this course the student will be able to:
1. Demonstrate a level of integrated knowledge of addiction.
2. Complete an accurate client assessment.
3. Write a comprehensive treatment plan for an addicted client, given adequate screenings, assessment, and diagnosis as related to DSM-IVR criteria.
4. Write organized documentation regarding a client’s verbal and behavioral responses to components of the treatment process.
5. Utilize the Chemical Dependency referral system in planning appropriate care for addicted clients.
6. Develop skill in utilizing therapeutic techniques in client counseling.
7. Integrate knowledge of ethical principles into all areas of communication regarding clients.