2014-2015 Official General Catalog [Archived Catalog]
CRJ 240 - Community Corrections An introduction to the history, philosophy, and practices of probation, parole, intensive supervision, community corrections, and other non-institutional corrections treatment settings. The philosophy of community treatment is explained and procedures and processes of supervision as they pertain to the offender are examined.
Credits: 3 Hours 3 Class Hours Course Profile Learning Outcomes of the Course:
Upon successful completion of this course the student will be able to:
1. List and describe the various alternatives to incarcerations programs and evaluate whether such programs can be successful.
2. Write a fictional pre-sentence investigation report using the NYS format using sound and logical construction.
3. Engage in a mock interview of a resistant offender using motivational interviewing techniques.
4. Write a report on their experience touring the operation of a local probation department.
5. Explain techniques for the supervision of general and special offender populations including use of technology such as electronic monitoring and drug testing equipment.