MAT 136 - College Algebra and Trigonometry I

Rational exponents; radicals; factoring; rational expressions; solving quadratic equations and inequalities; polynomial functions; complex numbers; function notation, operations of functions; graphs of functions, inverse functions; properties of exponential and logarithmic functions; trigonometric functions; reference angles; radian measure; graphs of sine, cosine, and tangent; basic trigonometric identities.  This course requires MAT 096 Elementary Algebra and Trigonometry, or equivalent background knowledge.

Credits: 4
4 Class Hours
Course Profile
Learning Outcomes of the Course:

Upon successful completion of this course the student will be able to:

  1. Interpret and draw inferences from appropriate models such as formulas, graphs, tables, or schematics.
  2. Represent mathematical information symbolically, visually, numerically, or verbally as appropriate.
  3. Employ quantitative methods such as arithmetic, algebra, geometry, or statistics to solve problems.

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