HST 206 - Medical Office Administration & the EHR

This course provides the student with the knowledge and skills necessary to perform administrative procedures to effectively prepare them to work within the ambulatory care setting.  Students will learn the fundamentals of telemedicine and how to work within the electronic health record and the guidelines of the law.  Simulated exercises throughout the course will provide students with the skills necessary to work within practice management and electronic management record systems.

Credits: 3
2 Class Hours, 2 Laboratory Hours
Course Profile
Learning Outcomes of the Course:

Upon successful completion of this course the student will be able to:

  1. Demonstrate professional correspondence in all communication.
  2. Establish and maintain provider and patient appointment schedules.
  3. Utilize health record systems while protecting the integrity of the medical record.
  4. Identify financial management plans, insurance, and codes to bill for services.

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