POS 111 - Public Policy

This course offers students an analytical survey of policy formulation and implementation in the United States, together with an examination of the impact of policy upon individuals and groups in American society.  Topics covered will include:  policy making processes, policy analysis, federal and state policies, rationality and irrationality in public policy, incrementalism, special interests, public choice, and institutional influences.  Satisfies the civic education requirement for programs that require it.

Credits: 3
3 Class Hours
Course Profile
Learning Outcomes of the Course:

Upon successful completion of this course the student will be able to:

  1. Describe major political science concepts and theories.
  2. Apply the methods political scientists use to explore social phenomena.
  3. Describe the historical and contemporary societal factors that shape the development of individual and group identity involving race, class and gender.
  4. Analyze the role that complex networks of social structures and systems play in the creation and perpetuation of the dynamics of power, privilege, oppression, and opportunity.
  5. Apply the principles of rights, access, equity, and autonomous participation to past, current, or future social justice action.
  6. Identify the consequences of racism in the United States at the individual, group, and systemic levels.

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